Email: yangming@cufe.edu.cn
Human-AI Interaction、数字医疗、数字商业战略
2006/09—2012/07 哈尔滨工业大学 管理科学与工程系(硕士、博士)
2009/08—2010/08 亚利桑那大学 Eller管理学院AI Lab 联合培养博士
[1]Jinglu Jiang, Surinder Kahai,Ming Yang* (2022). “Who needs explanation and when?Juggling Explainable AI and User Epistemic Uncertainty”.International Journal of Human - Computer Studies,165: 102839
[2]Ming Yang, Jinglu Jiang*, Melody Kiang, and Fangyun Yuan (2021). “Re-examining the Impact of Multidimensional Trust on Patients’ Online Medical Consultation Payment Decision”.Information Systems Frontiers.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-021-10117-9
[3]Jinglu Jiang,Ming Yang*, Melody Kiang, and Cameron, A.-F. (2021). “Exploring the Freemium Business Model for Online Medical Consultation Services in China”.Information Processing & Management, 58(3): 102515.
[4]Jinglu Jiang,Cameron, A.-F.,Ming Yang. (2020). “Analysis of Massive Online Medical Consultation Service Data to Understand Physicians’ Economic Return: Observational Data Mining Study,”JMIR Medical Informatics(8:2), p. e16765.
[5]Ming Yang*,Zhen Shao, Qian Liu, Chuiyi Liu (2017).“Understanding the quality factors that influence the continuance intention of students toward participation in MOOCs”.Educational Technology Research and Development,65:1195–1214.
[6]Xiaodi Wang*,Ming Yang, Melody Kiang, Yingshan Zhang (2016).“A Screening Approach for Non-Parametric Global SensitivityAnalysis”.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 86(4): 656-675.
[7]Ming Yang*, Melody Kiang, Wei Shang. (2015)”Filtering Big Data from Social Media–Building an Early Warning System for Adverse Drug Reaction”,Journal of Biomedical Informatics.54:230-240.
[8]Ming Yang*, M.Kiang, Hsinchun Chen, Yijun Li.(2012)“Artificial Immune System for Illicit Content Identification in Social Media”,Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.63(2):256-269.
[9]Ming Yang*, Melody Kiang, Yungchang Ku, Yijun Li.(2011)“Social Media Analytics for Radical Opinion Mining in Hate Group Web Forums”,Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.8(1): Article 38.
[10]Ming Yang*, Yijun Li, Yungchang Ku.(2011)“Social Media Scanning for Hate CrimeInvestigation”.Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Science).S1(26):107-120.
[11]杨铭*,祁巍,闫相斌,李一军(2012).在线商品评论的效用分析研究.管理科学学报,15(5): 65-75.
[12]Ming Yang*, Xin Liu, Jinglu Jiang. (2021). Reciprocal Interaction and Physicians’ Economic Return in Online Medical Consultation.PACIS 2021 Proceedings. 20-24 June 2021. Dubai, UAE
[13]Ming Yang*,Fangyun Yuan, Jinglu Jiang. (2020). When Does Trust Reinforce Intentions to Upgrade to Paid Online Healthcare Consultations? The Valence of Platform-Versus Service-Related Attitudes.PACIS 2020 Proceedings. 20-24 June 2020. Dubai, UAE
[14]Ming Yang*, Yunfei Diao, Melody Kiang (2018). Physicians’ Sales of Expert Service Online: The Role of Physician Trust and Price.PACIS 2018 Proceedings. 20. June 26-June 30, 2018. Yokohama, Japan.
[15]MingYang*,Haiyang Li, Zhen Shao, Qian Liu. (2017).“Influencing Lenders’ Repeat Investment Intention in P2P Lending Platforms in China through Signaling”.PACIS 2017 Proceedings, Paper 47.
[16]Ming Yang*, Melody Kiang. (2015).“Extracting Consumer Health Expressions of Drug Safety from Web Forum”.Proceedings of the 48thHawaii Conference on System Science(HICSS 2015, p.2896-2905).
[17]Ming Yang*, Xiaodi Wang, Melody Kiang. (2013)“Identification of Consumer Adverse Drug Reaction Messages on Social Media”.PACIS2013Proceedings, Paper16.
[18]Ming Yang*, Hsinchun Chen. (2012)“ Partially Supervised Learning for Radical Opinion Identification in Hate Group Web Forums”.IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics.(IEEE ISI, EI, p. 96-101)
[19]Ming Yang*, Yijun Li,Melody Kiang.(2011)“Environmental Scanning for Customer Complaint Identification in Social Media”,International Conference on Information Systems 2011.(ICIS2011 Proceedings, paper 1)
[20]Ming Yang*, Yijun Li, Melody Kiang.(2011)“Uncovering Social Media Data for Public HealthSurveillance”.Proceedings of the 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information System(PACIS2011Proceedings, Paper 218).
[21]Ming Yang, Jinglu Jiang*, Cameron, A.-F, Xin Liu. (2023). “How Do You Cope? Online Medical Consultation Service Uncertainty, Coping Strategies, and Subsequent Payment”. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 61: 101294
[2]国际期刊《DesiconSupportSystems》,《Information & Management》,《International Journal of Information Management》同行评审
年份 |
姓名 |
毕业去向 |
所获荣誉 |
2022 |
林舒沛 |
中信银行(杭州) |
研究生学业奖学金(一等) |
2021 |
刘欣 |
北京理工大学读博 |
研究生学业奖学金(二等) |
2020 |
袁方云 |
平安银行总行 |
校级优秀硕士论文 |
2019 |
崔林丽 |
小桔科技(滴滴出行) |
校级优秀毕业生 |
2018 |
刁云飞 |
建设银行总行 |
研究生国家奖学金 |
2017 |
李海洋 |
中国银联上海总部 |
北京市优秀毕业生 |